Onondaga County > North Syracuse
SRC Inc., by far the largest nonprofit in North Syracuse, is a research and development firm serving the U.S. military and intelligence community. The corporation, begun at Syracuse University and later spun off, has developed technology to detect and combat drones.
School districts: North Syracuse Central School District
Libraries: Northern Onondaga Public Library at North Syracuse
Emergency services: North Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps, North Syracuse Fire Department
Fraternal organizations: American Legion, Masons, Rotary, VFW
Recent grants:

North Area Meals on Wheels
Price Choppers Golub Foundation - Schenectady, NY - $1,000 (2022)
North Syracuse Central School District
New York State Office of Mental Health - Albany, NY - $25,000 (2023)
Village of North Syracuse Police Department
NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services - Albany, NY - $205,189 (2024)
Largest nonprofits in North Syracuse (by assets) include:
Loretto Independent Living Services
Src International
American Dairy Association & Dairy Council of NY Inc Empire Building
Helping Hounds Dog Rescue
Greater Syracuse Association of Realtors
American Federation of Teachers
Free & Accepted Masons of New York
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry
North Area Meals on Wheels
Memorial Masonic Temple Corporation
International Association of Lions Clubs
American Federation of Teachers
Smith Road Parent Teacher Organization
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Dept of New York
District 8 Little League Foundation
Bear Road Elementary School PTO